Rabu, 11 April 2018

QRazy Puzzle (P1 – P2 Enrichment)

Kids scan the code
Kids solve the math problem

Kids find the other piece of puzzle which match with the answer they get

This time, kids learn about addition and subtraction using QR code. All they need just some QR code Puzzle, QR scanner application, worksheet and pencil. First, kids choose the piece of QR code randomly and scan them using the QR scanner application. After they scan it, the math problem will appear and they have to solve it. They have to find the other piece of puzzle which match with the answer they get. Once, they finish, they find another QR code to get the next mission. Finally, they paste all of the complete puzzle on their worksheet to accomplish the mission!

Selasa, 10 April 2018

Penguins Science Experiment (Kinder Enrichment)

Melalui aktifitas ini, anak-anak mencari tahu apa yang menyebabkan penguin tetap kering
Anak membutuhkan bahan-bahan seperti lembar lembar mewarnai bergambar penguin, pensil warna, crayon, air dan botol semprot.
Sediakan dua buah lembar mewarnai bergambar penguin. Warnai salah satunya dengan crayon dan yang lain dengan pensil warna. Isi botol semprot dengan air. Semprotkan air pada kedua gambar yang telah diwarnai. Penguin mana yang basah dan mana yang tetap kering?
Lilin yang terkandung didalam crayon mencegah penyerapan air kedalam kertas. Sama seperti lilin yang terdapat pada kulit penguin yang menahan air dan menjaga penguin tetap kering.

Kids fill a spray bottle with water

Kids spray the water on to the both colored penguin

The PlaySkool Facilities


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Math Area

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QRazy Puzzle (P1 – P2 Enrichment)

Kids scan the code Kids solve the math problem   Kids find the other piece of puzzle which match with the answer they get ...